Blow Dough
Food Design
The Blow Dough project manufactures dough balloons using an industrial blower, with temperatures reaching as high as 600° Celsius, which makes the seasoned dough baked while blowing it into the shape of an inflated balloon.
During the manufacturing process, local herbs are added to the blowing act and their exceptional senses are assimilated to the dough. Thus, the entire eating experience is enriched. The project illustrates the food manufacturing process in a small-scale factory that was established for one day, as an analogy to the street food carts and to the urban eating experience in Jerusalem.
The project offers a new perspective for dough uses by borrowing the producing process from other industries and allows the participants to view and be exposed to the food process openly and transparently.
The project was created for the Jerusalem Design Week and reflects many aspects of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a multicultural city which hosts many types of foods, dishes, and eating habits that have been influenced by different cultures. The local food in Jerusalem is usually referred to “street food” and is characterized by a similar food making process, that surrounds one little counter where all the magic happens. One of the most popular and common ingredients in the Jerusalemite food arena (and the entire middle east) is the bread and its different types – pita bread, bagels, bans, and more. Hence, we chose to use the very basic materials of flour and water and combined it with the designer’s territory of producing processes.
Winner; COR77
Best Design Award 2014
In collaboration with designer Michal Eviatar and Chef Erez Komarovski
Producer: Ayala Moses
Special thanks to Liora Rozin
Movie Photographer and Editor:
Yoav Cohen
Photos by David Vinocur
Many thanks to:
Yotam Arad, Netta Kerzner, Shir Rozen,
Ron Ben-Nun, Or Klain, Adiva Beigel, Hanoch Levy, Omer Frenkel, Barak Polivoda, Ayelet Eviatar, and Naama Boxnboim.
Jerusalem design week